Is Garlic Keto Friendly? [SPICE UP Your Keto Meals!]

is garlic keto friendly

Garlic isn’t just a vegetable, it’s an all-time favorite flavor enhancer! In fact, most people call it a spice instead of a veggie! But is garlic keto approved? I’m so much used to its taste that garlic is now as important as salt in my keto recipes! In this article, we’ll find out how various … Read more

Is Okra Keto Friendly? [TRUTH be Told!]

is okra keto friendly

Keto is a highly meat-oriented diet, because where else can you get such high-fat and low carb foods? But what about vegetables? Is Okra Keto friendly? It’s a common myth that you can’t have veggies on a keto diet! However, this couldn’t be further than the truth! You can have plenty of non-starchy vegetables that … Read more

Is Edamame Keto? [TRUTH About Those Shiny Little Beans!]

is edamame keto

Eating grains and legumes on a KETO Diet is a sure-shot way to ruin your ketosis! But Edamame seems to have a quite interesting nutrition profile. Today you’ll find out: Is Edamame Keto Approved? We keto-ers need to keep our daily carbs under 20g to achieve and maintain ketosis. Since most legumes are high in … Read more

Is Jackfruit Keto Approved? [Keto MYTHS Busted]

is jackfruit keto friendly

Jackfruit is loaded with nutrients and vitamins and is highly famous for its meat-like texture when cooked! But is Jackfruit keto-friendly? Whether you hate the idea of having meat, or you simply want to have something unprocessed or completely nature-made, jackfruit seems to be a great option! Its consistency is quite comparable to pulled pork … Read more